Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm In Miami Bitch

Last night I went to Dorothy, the Thursday night at Tramp Basement, to see Miami Horror, with Pop A Cap and Airwolf supporting. Miami Horror are about to drop an album in 2010, and they tore that basement apart. Kids tripping on the $25 gypsy jugs or 20 wet pussies (cough) trying not to look like they're trying too hard to look like they're not having a good time.

I like Dorothy. I like it a lot. The venue just looks fucking cool. The drinks are reasonable, and the people less pretentious than its indie rep would suggest. The silent disco was a kick, too. On channel one: One More Time by Daft Punk. On channel two: All Along The Watchtower. Yeah. Hendrix. But what's missing is just one or two strobes. I love strobe lights. Maybe it's just me, but I enjoy only being able to see when the bass drum hits. It adds to that all encompassing feeling of the music surrounding you, getting lost in the rhythm and totally forgetting yourself.

Gloriously 80's disco-house throwback.

Miami Horror are playing the Corner Hotel on November 20.

LMFAO. Not even kidding, that's their name. Fucked if I know whether they're taking the piss, but it's catchy and electro and hip hop. In short, it's goooood.

Maybe you've been hearing this around the traps and didn't know who it was, I certainly didn't till I started looking these guys up.

Anyway, so there you have it. A fair bit of electric loving. I highly recommend these two artists.


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