Saturday, December 12, 2009

Taste of Tim and Jean

Yeah, I know, I've been supremely inactive over the last few weeks. One one-line post in a month a successful blogger does not make.

So what have I been doing, you ask? Basking.

Basking in the glory of life and music and people and weather.

Basking in the fading memory of Year 12 and the iridescent future.
I've been listening to lots of stuff that I wouldn't have given a second thought last year, hip hop, minimal tech, electro, and less of what I would call my comfort zone. Some of what I hear, I really dig. Other stuff, not so much.
Music for me is becoming so much more than its individual parts, and yet I notice more things each time I listen. Delving deeper into songs and hearing a certain vocal or the way a synth has been processed, for instance.
At the same time, songs become more cohesive and part of a larger global entity the more I listen to them. The way a vocal and the guitars interweave and interact, or the distinct sounds of Australian and American hip hop.

Part of the reason for this deeper involvement is my increased spare time, but also a hunger for new experiences musically. I think it's important to be always craving something new and different. It's what keeps me interested in music, because every time I turn on a radio or browse or someone shows me a new track I want to embrace it as much as possible.

What's your philosophy on music? Is it all about the sum of the parts? Or the parts themselves? Stick to your comfort zone? Or escape it and take risks?

I don't want to cause a stir, but I think this could be the Guns Babes Lemonade of Summer 2009/10

also... I'm not sure if I condone this or not... but hey.


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